Country outing

On Sunday I spent the day on my brother’s land in Beverley. My cousin was visiting from overseas so my brother organised a family gathering there.

Beverley is located less than 140km east of Perth and 30 minutes from York in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia.

We packed our eskies with food and drinks and left home around 8.30am. After a few wrong turns we finally arrived just before 11am. Everyone was following our car and although we had been times before, it’s still tricky to navigate.

Road Trip

Road tripping with Pippo

It’s so pretty driving through country Western Australia in winter – the land in this region was green and there are paddocks of yellow canola growing everywhere, as well as yellow daisies.

Yellow fields

Beverley Western Australia

The main street of town is Vincent Street and features Hotel Beverley, The Red Vault restaurant, Station Gallery train station, Beverley Aeronautical Museum and Beverley Bakehouse.

Vincent Street

Vincent Street

Hotel Beverley

Station Gallery

Station Gallery

Beverley Museum

We started the day with morning tea – there were muffins, cupcakes, cookies, lamingtons, oreos, lollies, cheezels and more.

Then it was time to get the smorgasboard of lunch ready. My brother recently adopted a pizza oven so it was time to give it a try. There was an array of toppings and it would have been enough to just have pizza but no there was more.

Next the barbeque was started and on went the sausages, steak, onion and corn. My mother decided we also needed pasta bake – only an Italian family would provide pasta and pizza out in the open! Plus don’t forget the salad, frittata and fruit.

Food Table

Lunch is served


Farm pets

After lunch it was time for a bit of leisurely shooting – targets not animals!! My brother set up targets and we all had a go. Albeit scary at first, it was a lot of fun.

We finally headed home around 4pm (I only managed five hours sleep the night before so I was in struggle town by now) and I must admit it was nice to get out of town for a day and soak up the quiet country lifestyle.